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Changes On Tax Laws 2022

  • The standard deduction will increase ($25,900 for married couples filing jointly), $12,950 per person or $19,4000 for Head of Household.
  • There is no personal exemptions.
  • Todos los ITIN que no se utilizaron para presentar una declaración de impuestos estadounidense al menos una vez para los años tributarios 2019, 2020 o 2021 vencerán el 31 de diciembre de 2022. Los ITIN con los dígitos del medio "70 al 79", "80 al 88 (por ejemplo: 9NN-88-NNNN) vencieron al final del 2020 y 2021 respectivamente.  Aquellos con los dígitos del medio 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 o 99, que fueron asignados antes de 2013 y no han sido renovados, también vencieron en el 2020.  Para renovar su ITIN, debe de llenar la forma W-7 y acompañarla con sus impuestos.
To qualify as a qualifying child has changed
  • To be your qualifying child, a child must be younger than you unless the child is permanently and totally disabled.
  • A child cannot be your qualifying child if he or she files a joint return, unless the return was filed only as a claim for refund.
  • If the parents of a child can claim the child as a qualifying child but no parent so claims the child, no one else can claim the child as a qualifying child unless that person's adjusted gross income (AGI) is higher than the highest AGI of any of the child's parents who can claim the child.

Earned income credit has no effect on certain welfare benefits. Any refund you receive because of the EIC and any advance EIC payments you receive will not be considered income when determining whether you are eligible for the following benefit programs, or how much you can receive from these programs. However, if the amounts you receive are not spent within a certain period of time, they may count as an asset (or resource) and affect your eligibility.

  • Medicaid and supplemental security income (SSI).
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps).
  • Low-income housing.

Temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) benefits may be affected.

There is much more to know, please ask me 774-253-0866 or visit

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